Harnessing innovation to transform the legal system

I started LawSnap because I believe:

  1. that transformative technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain and smart contracts are a disruptive innovation that will transform our businesses, our legal system, and our society AND

  2. that nobody was talking enough, in simple clear language, about exactly how we can apply artificial intelligence and blockchain to solve real-world problems.

We need a lot less speculating about how these new tools will remake the world 20 years from now, and a lot more discussion about the nuts and bolts regarding to get your project of the ground in the next 6 months.

Every Wednesday, we share information about a particular problem and how transformative tools can be used to solve it.

We’re looking forward to going on this journey with you.

Curious about where to get started? Check out our “Table of Contents” for links to our most important posts, and other resources.


Adam David Long

Founder, LawSnap

Subscribe to LawSnap by Adam David Long

Helping emerging tech and the legal system to help each other: artificial intelligence, smart contracts and web3


At the intersection of tech for the legal world + legal for the tech world #legalAI #smartcontracts #blockchain